I was never a Yankee fan,
but I couldn't help liking Yogi Berra.
He wasn't Hollywood handsome.
He wasn't the perfect height and weight.
He wasn't glamourous, didn't have a coiffed look
and he didn't have the "sweet swing",
but man, that #8 could play!
Yogi put on the gear,
did the dirty work,
then took his lunchpail and went home.
He swung at bad pitches,
turned them into rbi's,
and made the World Series his annual fall vacation spot.
Yogi hit my sweet spot when he started endorsing
a chocolate drink called "Yoo-Hoo".
But Yogi showed his true intelligence when he
became a New York Met.
At first, it was hard to accept a Yankee in the Mets' midst,
but we learned to love Casey and we grew to love Yogi, especially when he led the team on that
miracle run to the 1973 World Series.
I am going to miss Yogi Berra and baseball is , too.
He played the game hard,
made the most of his abilities
and never seemed to take the world too seriously.
As Yogi might say:
"He hits from both sides of the plate.
He's amphibious."
"You better cut the pizza in four pieces.
I'm not hungry enough to eat six."
"It ain't the heat. It's the humility"
Here is a link to bio.com, and a mini-doc
that I participate in, about Yogi Berra.
You were a classic!